
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Aquas Art: The Akula

Our first piece of art for Aquas has arrived! This piece comes from 7_ate_9 on the Wizards Community forums, and it totally changed the way I thought of the Akula. Hit the jump to see why!

I have to admit, before I saw this I was imagining that the Akula would look something like the Street Sharks, but this design completely won me over, and I now believe that this basic body structure is also the way to go with the Balena. Of course, they are much larger and not as sleek and with larger arms. The Balena use weapons in combat, while the Akula prefer to rely on their jaws.

This brings us to the overall design of the Balena. When looking for inspiration, I'd lean towards the humpback or bowhead whales, as they are the most distinctive visually from what I can tell. However, the Right whale (which I hadn't heard of before today) would also make for some interesting designs due to their callosities (another thing I had only heard of today). I don't think that killer whales would make good inspirations because the Balena are fairly peaceful. However, I would not be adverse to a sect of more warlike Balena taking inspiration from killer whales. Primarily in the form of armor that would be reminiscent of the orca, but still with the same body type as the regular Balena.

Oh, 7_ate_9 also suggested that the Balena be nomadic, and I think it fits them perfectly

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