
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Schools of Magic - Flamekin in Lorwyn

Capable of incredible passion, the flamekin are instigators of change on Lorwyn. They have flexible stone bodies covered in flames that burn cool unless the flamekin wishes otherwise. They love freedom, and most wander the world instead of living in any established communities. Hit the jump to see the innate magic of the flamekin.


 To understand the flamekin, one must understand their Passion. A flamekin will only do the things she feels are right, but she will throw her entire being into any task she devotes herself to. They harness these emotions to give them power. They can also share these emotions with each other, gaining strength from the other flamekin that fight with them. They can even share this passion with the other races, either granting them strength and speed born of fury or manipulating them into poorly planned battles.

Of course, the most obvious strength of the flamekin is their Fire. The simplest application of their fire magic is amplifying the flames that naturally cover their body. There are some flamekin who can share this power with their allies. There are also those who can manipulate their fire to produce more impressive effects. And of course, there are always the more imaginative spells that some mages will create.

With their Passion and natural talent for Fire magic, flamekin are powerful champions of freedom on Lorwyn. Join me tomorrow when I discuss the flamekins' worst enemies, the xenophobic elves, tyrannical enforcers of their standard of beauty.

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