
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thirio, the Beast

Another bit on Iroas, this time about Thirio, the warlord who stopped Aspida. Nothing new on Aquas or Tyranix/Ordren/Auftrag today, I'm still trying to figure out what to call T/O/A and I've hit a wall on Aquas. Feedback on both would be appreciated.

In the early days of the Unification War, a young warrior from the edge of civilization was visiting one of the great cities of Iroas. Unfortunately, he found himself trapped there as Aspida laid siege. The battle lasted for months, and the warrior found it distasteful. Escaping from the city, he journeyed back to his homeland. Taking the name Thirio, after the Iroan word for beast, he gathered the greatest warriors of the wilds to his banner. With this accomplished, he attacked the lands that Aspida had already conquered. When the armies finally met, it was a battle the likes of which had never been seen before or since, culminating in the firestorm that ended Aspida’s reign.

To this day, the Thirians emphasize personal ability over all else. While they have a reputation as savages, they respect those whose talents are of a more peaceful nature, and honor all those who excel at their crafts.

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