
Friday, May 6, 2011

The Schools of Magic - Elementals in Lorwyn

There is one other major source of magical power that does not fall neatly into any of the categories already discussed - the elementals. They are the dreams of an entire world given form. Read on to discover their strange power.


 Talking about elemental magic is a tricky proposition, because the elementals themselves don't use magic; they are magic. In many ways, they represent the natural forces of Lorwyn. However, a determined mage who was dedicated to studying the magic of Lorwyn (sounds familiar) would find a way to categorize them, even if they don't fit in perfectly. In that spirit, we're going to be dividing this magic into the five colors they belong in and going from there. The names for the schools are chosen from a group of powerful elementals which I will link to in their respective entry - these are not entirely accurate names, but they are close enough.

On Lorwyn, white mana represents Purity. Most of the white magic inherent to the plane is about support and stopping damage, with some focused on healing.

In contrast, blue mana is all about Guile. It focuses on gaining knowledge in myriad ways and using that knowledge to your benefit. This is also where the merrow learned tideshaping, so some of the same tricks can be found here.

In stark contrast with the other colors, black mana inspires Dread. Black magic represents filth and negative emotions on Lorwyn, bringing ugliness and sorrow to what is otherwise a beautiful world.

Red mana is the source of pure Hostility on Lorwyn. Rage given form, these elementals are the most active on Lorwyn, carving paths of destruction through the countryside.

The essence of the forests of Lorwyn is Vigor. Powerful and stubborn, green elementals do not act often, but they are unstoppable when they do.

Overall, though, check out the series of articles on the core schools of magic (now helpfully tagged as Core) to learn more, as the elemental magic is very similar to portions of those - specifically the Divine, Elemental (both colors), Mind, Shadow, Emotion and Beast schools.

There is one more type of creature on Lorwyn, the mercurial Changelings. However, it is difficult to talk about them because most of their magic is imitating other races, while the remainder is making other races take on some of their characteristics.

Later today I'll be posting some more information on Tyranix, and then next week we're onto... well, not a new plane, technically. In any case, I hope you enjoyed this journey through the peaceful world of Lorwyn, because things are about to take a dark turn...

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