The elves' culture revolves entirely around Beauty, and many of their spells revolve around it as well. As they consider themselves perfect, they seek to mold the world to their desires. This is primarily achieved through manipulation of plant life. One of the more frightening aspects of their Beauty magic is the practice known as vinebreeding, where an elf mingles plant life with a living being to create a living sculpture that they can control like a puppet.
However, the elves are also masters of the Hunt. Predators at heart, the elves are always establishing dominance and are perpetually prepared to defend their territory. Their true skills are put to the test when a creature is declared an eyeblight. It is at this time that the winnowers, elves trained specifically to kill eyeblights, are sent out. Using the poisonous extract of moonglove, which can kill anything with the proper dosage, they are able to eliminate even the most powerful eyeblights.
None escape the elves when they are on the hunt. Join me later today when I talk about their most common prey, the boggarts.
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