The Thirians are the only ones who ever come into contact with the lykoi. There are occasional temporary truces, but it always ends in violence.
When referring to a Thirian, you either say they are a member of the (their totem) tribe or that they are a (their totem) Thirian. For example, it would be acceptable to call one a member of the Bear tribe or a Bear Thirian.
The physically strongest Iroans are almost all members of the Bear tribe, and they claim that they are the only tribe truly following Thirio’s example. They take great pride in their self sufficient nature, and believe that if you aren’t strong enough to help yourself, you aren’t worth their time. However, this is not as strict as it seems. They will aid the wounded, sick and elderly, and understand that some people are more skilled in some areas than others. However, they believe that strength is the ultimate decider of worthiness, and their leaders gain their position by defeating their predecessor in single combat.
Bear ravdoi grant this strength to the wielder, and they prefer massive clubs as weapons. Their beast master crown changes them to brown bears, with the dire form being up to 20 feet tall and weighing up to two tons.
The ultimate pack hunters, the Wolf tribe believes that the welfare of the pack is the same as the welfare of the individual. This has led to a more social tribe, though the Wolves can be as fierce warriors as any Thirian. Lean with wiry muscles, they depend on their superior endurance and cooperation to take down most enemies, utilizing divide and conquer tactics. When in battle, they operate almost without any communication, working together perfectly. When at rest they frequently bicker and fight amongst themselves, testing each other for weakness.
Wolf ravdoi give the wielder great endurance and speed, with their weapons commonly being daggers of short swords. They have also created a ravdos using soul opals that gives them a form of telepathy that links their pack’s minds together. Their beast master crown transforms them into grey wolves, with the dire form reach approximately five feet at the shoulder.
The Eagle tribe considers themselves to be the wisest of all the Thirians. Most Thirians consider them to be arrogant, little better than the Alitheians. Eagle Thirians live in smaller groups than the other tribes, though the groups mingle more frequently. They are solitary hunters, able to wait in silence for hours before striking.
Eagle ravdoi grant increased eyesight and agility, allowing the Eagle Thirians to use their trademark bows with greater skill. Their beast master crowns transform them into Imperial Eagles, with the dire forms measuring up to eight feet from beak to tail, with a twenty foot wingspan.
Easy going and somewhat lazy, the Crocodile tribe travels the rivers of Iroas, letting life take them where it will. Renowned for their extraordinary toughness, the Crocodile Thirians can afford to take wounds that would kill most Iroans and shrug them off. They enjoy setting ambushes, preferring to let their enemies come to them,
Crocodile ravdoi give this toughness to the wielder and often grant some measure of aquatic skill. They incorporate hooks into many of their weapons, keeping the enemy close and relying on their innate toughness to pretect them. Crocodile beast master crowns transform them into Nile Crocodiles, with the dire forms reaching up to thirty feet in length and weighing between one and two tons.
Minor Tribes
As numerous as the main tribes, the Lion Thirians keep to themselves and are reluctant to interact with outsiders. They are mighty and vain, taking great pride in their appearance.
Very few members of the Snake tribe have ever been seen, but they are thought to be assassins and thieves. Some suspect that they do not exist, and are a fiction created by the Nazarians.
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