Wow, all this art is making writing this way easier! Tom drew the vampires of Aquas, and they're different than I had planned (again, this is a good thing!) Hit the jump!
These creatures are clearly aquatic, and those creepy eyes are... well, creepy. And excellent. One of the best additions here is the strange hook swords they use - as his caption states, they are used to latch on to large beasts and ride them. However, this isn't just a sadistic way of controlling a mount - it's how they keep hold of the beasts to feed on them. One addition that I'd make is that they carry a number of other smaller hooks and other restraining devices for the smaller creatures. Of course, it's nothing so innocent as a rope. Instead, they use spiked chains and hooked nets, anything that will draw blood.
They are still mostly under the cephalid's control, as they don't have the intelligence to organize themselves any more than brutish gangs of bullies and thieves. In this way, they are very similar to the vorcha from Mass Effect 2. However, instead of being led by the strongest warriors (though I imagine some vampires would follow the akula) they follow the cephalids, who are able to manipulate their emotions.
I feel like the vampires could use a different name - saying vampire over and over feels weird, particularly next to names like akula and balena. I've been using google translate to figure out what various words mean in other languages. Let's look at the word leech in some other languages:
Greek: Vdella
Russian: Piyavka
German: Blutegel
Dutch: Bloedzuiger
Filipino: Linta
Now, how about vampire?
Greek: Vrykolakas
Russian: Vampir
Dutch: Vampier
Filipino: Bampira
Uh, not much there. Out of those, I like Vdella or Linta the most. I'm leaning more towards Linta, as it feels brutish and guttural, which suits them. Thoughts?
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