
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Schools of Magic: Commander; Blue

You all know the deal by now. Today we'll be looking at the blue spells in Commander. A note: There are a lot of multicolor spells in these decks, and we'll deal with those next week - this is just for the monoblue cards.

Mind: Fairly self-explanatory, this includes all magic that directly influences a being's mind, whether the caster's or their opponent's.
Æther: This is the magic that deals with the fundamental laws of magic itself. This includes all spells that directly interact with other spells.
Elemental: As the color that derives its power from the sea, Blue elemental spells deal with the water and the wind. It also contains the spells that summon the creatures that inhabit the sea.
Æthersnipe: Clearly an example of Æther magic - the word is in its name!
Brainstorm: Another easy one, this is Mind magic.
Chromeshell Crab: This is an interesting card, but it falls under Mind magic.
Conundrum Sphinx: Sphinxes are already the iconic creatures of the Mind school, and this one adds to that by manipulating everyone's libraries.
Court Hussar: Once more, this is Mind magic. I suspect that using white mana gives this spell a bit of Hieromancy that lets the creature stay on the battlefield.
Dreamborn Muse: How many ways can I say that a spell is Mind magic in such rapid succession?
Fact or Fiction: This is a unique application of Mind magic, but it is Mind magic nonetheless.
Flutterstorm: The first new Blue spell, this is a crazy application of Æther magic.
Fog Bank: It manipulates water, even if it's a strange way of doing so, meaning this is Elemental magic.
Gomazoa: Another interesting application of Æther magic.
Guard Gomazoa: Despite being a variation of the previous creature, this is part of the Elemental school.
Memory Erosion: Unlike the other Mind spells we've seen so far, this one attacks the opponent's mind, though it is triggered by Æther magic.
Minds Aglow: This is another new spell, and I don't think I really need to point out that it's Mind magic.
Mulldrifter: This is the first card that really got me into blue magic, and it probably shouldn't be a surprise that it is Mind magic.
Murmurs from Beyond: Man, all these Mind spells are getting tiring.
Perilous Research: Still getting bored of all these Mind spells that are really just minor variations of each other.
Propaganda: Here's an interesting card. I honestly don't think this would be printed in a modern set - Commander is full of reprints from the past and this is a rather old card. Really, this effect fits best under White Hieromancy, but the name and flavor text make it clear that this is mental manipulation, meaning this is Mind magic.
Ray of Command: Another bit of flavor weirdness that wouldn't get printed today, this is clearly Mind magic.
Reins of Power: Is it just me, or are all the spells of a school bunched together? This is Mind magic for the same reason as Ray of Command: it controls creatures' minds.
Repulse: Finally, something other than Mind magic! Well, mostly - this is Æther magic with a small Mind effect attached to it.
Riddlekeeper: More Mind magic, though this simply damages your opponent's mind.
Scattering Stroke: Huzzah, some Æther magic! As I said in the first Blue blog, counters are probably the most important form of Æther magic.
Skyscribing: Despite being another example of Mind magic, I kind of like this card and its weird reference to skywriting.
Slipstream Eel: There hasn't been a whole lot of Elemental magic so far, and its nice to see a non-elemental creature in the Elemental school.
Spell Crumple: Another new spell, the art on this nice example of Æther magic makes my brain hurt.
Trade Secrets: Once again we have a fairly standard example of Mind magic.
Trench Gorger: While the fact that it searches your library (in other words, it looks through your mind) might indicate Mind magic, the fact that is looking for lands and the fact that it is a Leviathan means it is in the Elemental school.
Vedalken Plotter: The placement of this spell depends on what exactly lands represent in the game. I believe (and I think there is some information on my side) that lands are simply your memories of the land, which means this is Mind magic.
Vision Skeins: A nice example of Mind magic.
Vow of Flight: The fact that it gives flying and power bonuses means that it is Elemental magic, but it has a Mind magic effect that prevents them from attacking you.
Whirlpool Whelm: I love Æther magic!
Windfall: Yawn, yet more Mind magic. While all of these are interesting in terms of their mechanics, the flavor is almost always the exact same: a sudden burst of inspiration!
Wonder: Elemental all the way! I really like the cycle this is part of.

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