Beast: While all colors summon creatures, Green certainly has the most magic that specifically summons or enhances creatures.
Growth: This school contains all spells related to plant growth and spells that give you more mana.
Tranquility: These spells simplify the battlefield in some way. The name is somewhat misleading, as a number of these spells are horrifically violent, but they are always cast with the goal to stop things from happening. Many of the weather related spells that Green has are in this school.Arachnus Spinner: Reach tends to be Tranquility, and its second ability supports that because it fetches...
Arachnus Web: This is a strange pacifism variant which is really only good because Arachnus Spinner can find it for free. It's Tranquility, BTW.
Bountiful Harvest: Even if it wasn't life gain, the flavor clearly marks it as Growth magic.
Carnage Wurm: Beast magic! Bloodthirst doesn't have as clear a flavor in Green as it does in Black and Red.
Doubling Chant: This one is Beast magic, and I really want to build a deck around it.
Dungrove Elder: This is a Growth double whammy; it's a treefolk that gets bigger as you gain more forests! It also has some Tranquility in its Hexproof ability.
Garruk, Primal Hunter: In order, its abilities are Beast, Growth and a Beast/Growth hybrid ability.
Garruk's Horde: Beast all the way!
Gladecover Scout: This is pure Tranquility.
Hunter's Insight: This is one of the most exciting Tranquility spells I've seen in a while.
Jade Mage: Growth!
Lure: I'm torn between Beast and Tranquility for this spell. Maybe it's a mix of both?
Lurking Crocodile: Beast!
Overrun: I'm so excited this is back! Overrun is in my top ten Green spells, and is a good example of the mass-Beast spells.
Primordial Hydra: BEASTLY BEAST!
Rampant Growth: One of the most iconic, basic Growth spells.
Reclaim: Growth.
Rites of Flourishing: And yet more Growth.
Skinshifter: What a cool card. A crazy example of Beast magic.
Stampeding Rhino: Another big example of Beast magic.
Stingerfling Spider: Extremely violent Tranquility magic.
Titanic Growth: Lord Zedd loves this Beast spell.
Trollhide: BEAST.
Vastwood Gorger: And one final big Beast spell.
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