
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Schools of Magic - Red, Part 1

Flowing from the mountains, the power of passion, fire and chaos are the domain of Red magic. Slaves to their desires, Red mages are the most passionate and unpredictable of all.

Go here to follow along, then hit the jump to check out my favorite color!


Elemental: Red Elemental magic includes fire, lightning and earth.
Emotion: The color of passion, Red has domain over all emotions.
Chaos: Red loves chaos, and this school includes all those spells that deal with luck. There aren't a whole lot of spells in this school recently, but they tend to be powerful.

It should be noted that the Red schools are very similar to the Blue schools - Emotion is related to Mind, while Chaos uses some of the same tools as Æther.

Act of Treason: A classic use of Emotion magic, this manipulates the target's emotions to make them temporarily join your side.
Ancient Hellkite: Dragons are the iconic red creature, and this one is a lovely example of Elemental fire magic.
Arc Runner: The first of the Red elementals, this is a good example of how Red does Elemental magic. Lightning elementals tend to exist for short periods of time, doing a lot of damage before they die.
Berserkers of Blood Ridge: Consumed by rage, berserkers are another good example of Emotion magic.
Bloodcrazed Goblin: Another berserker, therefore part of the Emotion school. You will notice that almost every example of Emotion magic is some form of anger, but that doesn't mean that is the only type of emotion that Red can manipulate. It should be noted that due to the nature of the game, there is no call for peaceful spells to be printed - Red has dominion over love in addition to rage.
Canyon Minotaur: A vanilla creature, the fact that its home is within the canyons means this is an Elemental spell.
Chandra Nalaar: All Elemental, all the time. I love you, Chandra.
Chandra's Outrage: Burning your enemies for fun and profit, Elemental may be my favorite school in any of the colors.
Chandra's Spitfire: Even the creatures Chandra summons are made of fire! I was not exaggerating when I said all she uses is Elemental.
Combust: I'm already running out of ways to say that a spell is Elemental, and we're only at C!
Cyclops Gladiator: I would place this under Emotion magic, as it issues a challenge to another creature and compels it to accept.
Demolish: Elemental earth magic.
Destructive Force: This is our first Chaos spell. When I first looked at it, I assumed it was Elemental, perhaps earth magic. However, it seems like it uses raw mana to disrupt the landscape, which is indicative of Chaos magic.
Earth Servant: An earth elemental obviously means Elemental magic.
Ember Hauler: Another Elemental spell. Goblins are what is known as the Characteristic Race of Red, meaning that they represent the flavor and mechanics of Red at the lower rarities. This is why you will find Goblins in every school.
Fiery Hellhound: Another Elemental spell, this is also the first instance of the ability that is generally known as firebreathing. 
Fire Servant: An Elemental creature that powers up your other Elemental spells.
Fireball: The iconic fire spell, this was also one of the first Elemental spells in the game.
Fling: While most direct damage is Elemental magic, I would place this one under Emotional - it enrages a creature either into throwing another creature at the enemy or into going on a kamikaze attack.
Goblin Balloon Brigade: A tricky one, I place this under Elemental because you use fire to make it fly.
Goblin Chieftan: Emotion magic - it enrages all goblins under your control, giving them more strength and an increased willingness to charge the opponent.
Goblin Piker: While goblins can fit into any school of Red magic, at their most basic level they are slaves to their emotions more than any other intelligent race in Magic, making this card part of the Emotional school.
Goblin Tunneler: It makes tunnels to sneak your smaller creatures past enemy, meaning this is Elemental magic.
Hoarding Dragon: This dragon thrives on jealousy and greed, making it Emotion magic.
Incite: There is little that is more Red than making a creature so angry that it attacks without thought, and this is one of the simplest possible applications of Emotion magic.
Inferno Titan: All the Titans are pure expressions of one of their color's schools, and the Elemental nature of this one is no exception.
Lava Axe: Why yes, lava is part of Elemental magic.
Leyline of Punishment: I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, it could represent suppressing the instinct of self-preservation. Of course, it could also be stopping the magic that enables someone to use healing and defensive magic. In this case I believe it is Chaos magic, as the fact that it is a Leyline, which is a natural mana pattern, indicates that it is interfering with the flow of mana.
Lightning Bolt: The iconic Elemental spell, often used by nerds in costume.
Magma Phoenix: Red is usually very unsubtle in battle, which is why so much of their battle magic is Elemental. I believe that the ratio in peaceful magic is the opposite, with the peaceful applications of Elemental magic limited to cooking and some construction.
Manic Vandal: The key to understanding what school this belongs to is in the name. Mania is a mental state of abnormally elevated or irritated mood, arousal and/or energy levels. (Thanks, Wikipedia!) That means this creature is feeling a sudden influx of powerful emotions which causes it to blindly destroy anything within reach, making this a clear case of Emotion magic.
Prodigal Pyromancer: It burns things, making it Elemental magic.
Pyretic Ritual: This spells manipulates raw mana, which is an indication of Chaos magic.
Pyroclasm: Pyro is in its name, meaning this must be Elemental.
Reverberate: This is an unexpected spell that complicates the battlefield, meaning this is Chaos magic.
Shivan Embrace: This spell infuses a creature with the power of a dragon, in this case giving it abilities that are commonly found on Elemental dragons.
Thunder Strike: This spell infuses an attack with Elemental energy.
Volcanic Strength: Another instance of infusing a creature with Elemental energy, in this case the power of a volcano.
Vulshok Berserkers: Berserkers are part of the Emotional school.
Wild Evocation: This causes all sorts of random effects, placing it firmly in the Chaos school.

That's it for now - join me later when I talk about the Red Phyrexians. In the mean time, let me know what you think, and give me some ideas on what to write about next week!

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