
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dawn's Folly

Another new blank spot on the map filled in! There may be something sinister going on here...

Little is known about this mysterious island. It seems to be populated entirely by Dawnwings and Prismskins, and they are known to be very active in the slave trade. The curious thing is that they will only accept slaves that they deem beautiful. In return, they have a seemingly endless supply of pre-Purge devices in perfect working order. Only the Dawnwings ever leave the island, and even then it is primarily to raid for more slaves. They require hundreds of slaves a month, and none have ever been seen again.

Those in control of New London are considering invading Dawn’s Folly to seize their pre-Purge item cache, while the denizens of Hope are increasingly worried about its promotion of the slave trade. It is only a matter of time before the situation becomes a full war.

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