
Monday, April 25, 2011

The Schools of Magic - White part 2: New Phyrexia

With the release of the full spoiler of New Phyrexia (find it here) I thought it would be interesting to contrast this highly irregular plane with the default setting shown in Magic 2011. Once again, I will be focusing on White for this post. Interested? Then hit the jump!

The three schools of White magic change the least out of all five colors.

Hieromancy: A bit more violent than before, but much the same.
Unity: Replacing Soul, but it serves mostly the same purpose.
The Orthodoxy: This is derived from the name of the White faction, and replaces Divine. It has more of a focus on hierarchy. There is some overlap with Hieromancy.

In addition, a small number of the spells are Mirran, and thus use the more traditional schools. You can tell these apart using the watermark on the text box.

Apostle's Blessing: A defensive spell, it falls under Unity.
Auriok Survivors: This is one of the Mirran spells, and thus is Soul magic.
Blade Splicer: It boosts many other creatures, so I would place it under Unity.
Cathedral Membrane: An interesting card, this falls under Hieromancy.
Chancellor of the Annex: Very clearly Hieromancy, it adds rules that your opponent must suffer under.
Dispatch: Another Mirran spell, this falls under Divine magic, tapping or exiling creatures.
Due Respect: The mechanics of this spell point towards Hieromancy, but the flavor puts it clearly in Orthodoxy.
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite: The leader of The Machine Orthodoxy, she uses a combination of Hieromancy and Unity.
Exclusion Ritual: It makes rules that everyone has to follow, which means it's Hieromancy.
Forced Worship: Orthodoxy.
Inquisitor Exarch: Unity and Orthodoxy.
Lost Leonin: It's a soldier, so Hieromancy.
Loxodon Convert: Hieromancy.
Marrow Shards: This is Hieromancy because the flavor doesn't indicate that it is in support of the Orthodoxy, in my opinion. It's a bit iffy, though.
Master Splicer: Unity!
Norn's Annex: I'm not sure on this one - it could go either for Hieromancy or Orthodoxy. Thoughts?
Phyrexian Unlife: Unity.
Porcelain Legionnaire: Soldiers are Hieromancy.
Puresteel Paladin: Another Mirran card, this is Soul magic.
Remember the Fallen: This is Mirran Soul magic.
Sensor Splicer: Just like the other Splicers, this is Unity.
Shattered Angel: Hieromancy - it sets a rule that changes how your opponent plays.
Shriek Raptor: Hieromancy.
Suture Priest: This is both Unity and Hieromancy.
War Report: Unity.

And that is White magic in New Phyrexia! I'll be back tomorrow to talk about Blue magic!

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