
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Belfire's Journal - part 2

Day 4 continued

Fought with a crazy kobold who controlled rats, then went back to the warden's office to rest.

Nietzsche: Seems to be more unbalanced than I thought. Will have to keep an eye on her.

Day 5

We finally get out of the sewers to find a strange town. I bought a room at the inn, bathed and reunited with my raven companion. There seems to be some sort of commotion downstairs, so I'm going to check that out.

Goddamn Azm. We're now being held in some chamber, apparently waiting for gladiatorial combat. I'm stuck in a room with Azrael, and I assume that the rest of our group is also being held in other rooms.

Turns out we were forced to participate in a tournament. Kavha, Azm and Nietzsche lost their fights - I didn't get to see them, but they didn't seem to take long. Crina won her fight, and Azrael and I agreed that I should win our fight. I then fought a warforged paladin of Bahamut. He fought well, and I barely defeated him. Unfortunately, Crina lost her fight against a monk. That left me fighting a half-orc and the monk. Luckily they focused on each other, and I only had to fight the half-orc. The monk had weakened him, but even then he wasn't easy to beat. Afterwards they informed me that I'm supposed to defeat some sort of volcano monster that comes every so often. I'm not sure if I'm going to stick around to do that. I'll have to discuss it with the group.

Afterwards we all went to the tavern, though we hardly saw each other. Azrael, Nietzsche and the monk - Miri - went upstairs for a short time, then Azrael came back looking very smug. I don't want to think about what happened up there. Had a nice conversation with Crina.

Notes: Where did Kavha get that strange tub?
Will have to approach the warforged - apparently named Zealot - and the half-orc - Kevril - about aiding us in the battle against the volcano beast if we decide to stay. They both seem useful in a fight. I would ask Miri too, but I think I'll let Azrael or Nietzsche approach her.

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