
Monday, February 27, 2012

WWE Raw 2/27/2012

Tonight: FINALLY! The Rock comes back to Raw!

We start with a recap of last week's epic Cena promo, then a recap of last week's fantastic Champion vs. Champion match. Jericho comes out instead of Daniel Bryan, and cuts an excellent promo saying that he's always been the best, and how he's the last of a dying breed. He goes on to claim that Punk just wants to be him. Punk starts mocking Jericho because Bret Hart was “The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be” and Jericho claims he was the first calling himself the best. Jericho then uses the truth (that he has dozens of the best moments that will go down in history). Punk claims that Jericho has lost his confidence, and is insecure. Punk gets some cheers when he brings up the various things that Jericho has done when he hasn't been wrestling. Jericho is the best on the mic in his generation, and Punk is the best in his, and this promo proves it.

After the promo, Daniel Bryan and his posse come to the ring. Seriously, he is followed by AJ, Mr. Excitement and David Otunga. The bell doesn't even ring before the brawl starts. After the commercial, the match is already under way. Unfortunately, the commentators basically ignore the in-ring action to try and push the feud between Teddy Long and Johnny Ace. That could be interesting, but there is some fantastic wrestling going on that they're distracting from. After Punk throws Bryan out of the ring, Bryan uses AJ as a shield to prevent Punk from doing a suicide dive. I've said it before, but that just strengthens the fact that they're drawing from Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth for his heel persona. Otunga, Santino and the GMs cause a distraction, nearly allowing Bryan to escape, but Sheaus throws him back in. This makes Laurinitis call for the bell, and Teddy Long shoves him, almost causing a brawl to break out. As Punk leaves, Jericho ambushes him and body slams him on the stage before putting Punk in the Walls of Jericho. THIS is how you build a feud. This also fully turns the crowd against him for the first time since he returned.

Back from break, Josh Matthews says that Punk seemed more angry than hurt when he was helped to the trainer. We then get a promo about last year's match between Undertaker and HHH. This was one of the best matches I've seen in the past several years. The final moments of the match, where Undertaker wins using the Hell's Gate is one of the best endings to a match I've ever seen. Apparently there's going to be a Cena vs. Miz match later, which I barely care about.

Sadly, the next match is between Nikki Bella and Kelly Kelly. It lasts about as long can be expected, and I found myself extremely bored. The way Kelly pins Nikki at the end seems like she isn't holding Nikki down at all.

There's the same Rock video they've been playing since the Royal Rumble, and then John Cena comes out to a whole lot of applause. Miz gets an appropriately whiny promo where he complains about not being in Wrestlemania this year. This Cena Sucks/Let's Go Cena dueling chants start during the match, but they seem more even than they used to be. This is not a bad match, with decent back and forth and some good counters. I'm surprised they allowed Miz this much time, when the Rock is in the building. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle into an Attitude Adjustment, followed by an STF for the win. They show the Rock on the titantron, who does Cena's “You can't see me” hand wave.

Next, we have a Triple Threat Tag Match for the Tag Team Championship, which is a great idea, but should be saved for a pay-per-view. Remember when the WWF had a great tag division? The match is between Boom-Truth, American Show-offs and Primo & Epico (those names are not official, but they should be). The only problem with this match is it gets tricky remembering who the legal men are. There isn't a whole lot of good tag manuevers, though Primo and Ziggler teaming up on R-Truth is a nice heel tactic, though R-Truth has a nice move to take them both out. Primo and Epico pick up the win after Swagger gets hit with both a Trouble in Paradise and a Backstabber, and then... Kane? He takes out everybody, and I don't know what his intention was here. Unless Kane is going to form a tag team division?

There's a brief promo that leads to the crowd chanting “horse's ass” about Johnny Ace, and apparently Laurinitis won't be running Raw next week. After we return from break there's a recap of what happened with Eve last week, and she comes out to talk to the crowd. This is a decent promo, acting like she's the victim in all this, and this does not endear her to the crowd at all. I find myself hoping that Lita or Trish Stratus would come out an interrupt her. Unfortunately, she gets to walk out without anyone stopping her. However, she gets confronted by Kelly Kelly backstage. I start liking Eve more when she just laughs at Kelly.

There's a commercial for Edge's movie, Bending the Rules. I want to watch for Edge, but the fact that Jamie Kennedy is in it makes me reluctant. There's a promo teasing the return of Randy Orton this Friday, where he'll face Daniel Bryan. Bryan needs to win decisively or he'll look weak.

We get another embarassing Big Show moment from Coy Rhodes before the next match (Big Show and Sheamus vs Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry) which is fantastic. Cody is an amazing heel, and he'll deserve a shot at one of the world titles within a year. The match lasts only a minute or so, but it was worth it for the continuation of the feud between Big Show and Cody Rhodes. They tease a big announcement tomorrow morning on

HBK is coming back again next week! Exciting, we get to see what part he'll play in the Undertaker/HHH feud. The Rock comes out to the expected crowd response. The crowd won't even quiet down to let him talk for a while. He defends his words from last year, where he said he would never leave again. It's amazing how quickly he gets the crowd back on his side – though I'm not sure about him being made for this business, when he's facing away from all the cameras. You'd think that would be something that the movies would have reinforced in him. This is a good promo, though I don't think it's as good as Cena's last week. The Rock doesn't seem to say anything new here, and the only thing he really says about Cena is that he's a “king pow bitch” and that the crowd latches onto what he says. Admittedly, that's important in this business, but I'm bored by the time Cena comes out.

Cena once again shows that he's still good on the mic, and the Rock finishes it up with some of his catchphrases. A good ending to a decent show. High points were Bryan vs. Punk and The Rock and Cena finally facing off on the mic, while the low points were the Divas match (as always) and Kane's odd appearance.


So, it's Tuesday morning and I just felt the need to edit this to point out that Cena insulting the Rock about needing notes is (surprisingly) true. That makes me feel a lot worse about the Rock's half of the promo, and it puts me completely in the Cenation for Wrestlemania. Proof here:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WWE Raw 2/20/2012

I was unable to post last night, but I've watched Raw since then and there are a few things that I wanted to comment on.

1) Eve's heel turn was well done, and actually makes some amount of sense. Also, Cena was hilarious.

2) I wish they had drawn out Triple H accepting the match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania for another week or two. I was hoping that Undertaker would play some more mind games, maybe interrupting other matches to prove that denying his rematch is "bad for business." Still, the fact that it will be a Hell in a Cell match is exciting.

3) Cena's promo against Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson was amazing. He's meaner than he was before his feud with Kane, and I'm loving it. No more sucking up to the Rock, no more being polite. The only thing that I want from this feud going forward is for Cena to refuse to call him The Rock, and instead either call him Dwayne or movie star.

4) A good Battle Royale, with a completely unsurprising ending. A few notes within this match: CM Punk is the best commentator in the WWE. It looks like Cody is going to feud with the Big Show, which could be great. And finally, I hope Wade Barrett is okay. This might be good for him, though - once he comes back from this injury (which seems legitimate) hopefully they'll give him a good theme.

Other than that, there isn't much to talk about. The Divas match was as terrible as always, Kofi and R-Truth should form a permanent tag team, and Otunga actually won a match! Amazing.

Monday, February 13, 2012

WWE Raw 2/13/2012

Tonight: HBK returns!

They start with a recap of the lame promo that ended last week's Raw, going right into Kane stating that Cena will embrace the hate tonight and someone will take a ride in an ambulance. So... does that mean the feud is over tonight? I enjoyed it at first, but it's dragged on for too long.

Then we're having an Elimination Chamber... debate? This seems like it could be fun, but it gets interrupted by Mr. Personality himself, John Laurinitis (the EVP of TR and IGM of MNR). All he does is say that he's happy to still be all of those acronyms. Punk gets the first question, insulting Johnny Ace a little bit and says that he's going to win the Elimination Chamber because he's the best wrestler in the world. Jericho gives him an amazing death glare. Ziggler makes a statement, but R-Truth has the best rebuttal of all. It's hard to explain what he says, but he treats this is as an actual election and has a hilarious rant including spider stew. Miz goes on a rant that goes over the time limit and gets buzzed, but Kofi is the one to stop him from talking. Kofi has a decent speech, saying that while he may be an afterthought and unappreciated, but he still could win the Elimination Chamber. Jericho starts using SAT words, claiming that he's been in the most Elimination Chamber matches of anyone in the world, and has eliminated more in those matches than anyone else in the world. He calls CM Punk a boy, which gets him his first big boo since his return. We finally get a taste of what a Punk vs. Jericho promo would be like, and it's exciting. It looks like R-Truth and Ziggler might be feuding soon, which could be good. They announce Kofi vs. Jericho, but Jericho throws a little tantrum, letting Kofi hit a Trouble in Paradise to knock him down.

There's a promo for Kane vs. Cena at Elimination Chamber, which basically summarizes the feud: Kane is crazy and can't stand all the support that Cena gets and wants to bring him down to his level. The basic monster that can't stand anyone being better than him.

They jump right into the match on the return from the commercial break, and Kofi is acting more aggressive than I've seen him, and takes control of the match. Jericho turns it around with a powerbomb from the turnbuckle. As Jericho holds Kofi in a submission hold, the cheers from the crowd are very muddled – it's difficult to hear who they're cheering for. Jericho counters a splash into the Walls of Jericho, which Kofi barely manages to break by grabbing the rope. Jericho thinks he won and argues with the ref, distracting himself and getting hit with another Trouble in Paradise, leading to a near-fall that Jericho breaks by grabbing the rope. Jericho jabs Kofi in the eye, then lands a Codebreaker for the three-count. A good match, they could wrestle a match-of-the-year contender if they were given the time.

We get a recap of what happened between Kane, Cena and Ryder at Royal Rumble. There's a brief promo between John Cena and Zack Ryder, who's still in a wheelchair. The switch between the cheers for Ryder and the boos for Laurinitis is startling. Otunga tries to give Laurinitis some perspective, and it looks like they're planning on getting Laurinitis to replace Teddy Long as GM of Smackdown in addition to becoming the permanent GM of Raw. Then we have a recap of the Big Show and Randy Orton brawling after Smackdown.

Daniel Bryan is going to watch the Orton vs. Big Show match sitting next to the announce table, and it seems like Michael Cole is going to start complimenting Bryan. As a sidenote, I love that they keep showing a notice that the Westminster Dog Show is being shown on CNBC. Back to the match, Big Show and Randy Orton go back and forth until the commercial. When they come back, Orton has Big Show in a sleeper hold, yet it isn't broken up despite Big Show holding the rope. What? Orton gets his huge DDT on the Big Show, this time from the top rope. After two RKOs, Orton looks like he's going to get the win, but Bryan interferes and knocks out both Orton and Big Show with the championship belt. This is a better heel move than anything he's done so far. It looks like they might be building him to be a sort of chessmaster, pitting his foes against each other.

After the break: the Heartbreak Kid, Mister Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels! The crowd reacts appropriately, and it's always nice to see him. He talks about Triple H and the Undertaker, and how he wanted Triple H to accept the challenge from the Undertaker. HBK claims that he thinks Triple H not accepting the challenge is him playing mind games with the Undertaker, and then brings out Triple H to get him to accept 'Taker's challenge. There's a brief photo op where they make the DX pose, and Triple H makes some good jokes. He then restates the fact that he does not want to face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He says that he doesn't want to end the Undertaker, while Shawn Michaels tries to push him into it. Michaels starts insulting Triple H, calling him a sellout and a coward. This is heartbreaking to watch, two people who love each other fighting. Shawn Michaels seems to be losing his voice as the promo goes on.

Triple H goes on an interesting rant about how he has responsibilities to the business now, and the fact that he can't beat the Undertaker because it would be bad for business. This is an amazing promo, and shows why Triple H and Shawn Michaels are two of the best talkers that have ever been in professional wrestling. After Shawn Michaels leaves, the gong hits. Another promo with the Undertaker in the same setting as last week. This one focuses more on what Triple H said last week, and this remains one of the best promos they've done in a long time. In this one, 'Taker... cuts his hair, though he uses a straight razor and somehow manages to make it look intimidating.

After the break we have R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler. Both are good at showing their personality in the ring, and this is a great match. It ends when R-Truth takes advantage of Ziggler showing off with situps to roll him up. There's a nice promo between Santino and Zack Ryder. Santino's always enjoyable.

Next we have a divas match, along with the announcement of Tamina vs. Beth Phoenix at Elimination Chamber for the title. The current match is Tamina vs. Brie Bella, and it's surprisingly good for a Divas match, though it's still short. Tamina actually has some skills, and manages to make Brie look good.

After the break there's a promo about the Rock's movie and the press tour he's on for it. First thing that comes to mind is that I'm disappointed that everyone just calls him Dwayne Johnson instead of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. It's a thoroughly boring promo. Sadly, Cena doesn't get to respond to it, as he's interrupted by the sound of Eve screaming as Kane shoves her into the ambulance. Kane almost drives off with her in the back, but she manages to open the door... and then they start making out. And Zack Ryder is right there. Smooth. And then, after the commercial break, Eve puts Zack directly into the friend zone.

That leaves us with the final match of the night, CM Punk vs. the Miz. I have a feeling Miz is going to get crushed here, considering the backstage heat he's been getting. Punk seems to have hurt his left arm at some point during the match, which lets the Miz launch a decent offensive. CM Punk turns it back around to land a Macho elbow, then going for a GTS, which is countered into a Skullcrushing Finale, which is in turn countered into an Anaconda Vise for the win.

After the match, they show Kane's ambulance return. Following the commercial break, John Cena comes out, looking very unsure of himself. He apologizes to Zack, and talks about Kane's plan coming to fruition. The crowd starts a “We all hate you” chant, which is shameful. Cena finally fires back at the haters without being mean or nasty at all. He's about to say something to the Rock, but Ryder comes out and makes his way to the ring. He smacks the mic out of Cena's hand, and then slaps him. Cena takes off his pendant and chain, and almost punches Zack. I kind of wish he had actually attacked Zack, because that would have been a good way to turn Cena heel. Kane comes onto the titantron for an uninspiring speech, where he seems to slip into a southern accent. Kane then pushes Zack off the stage in his wheelchair, and they show the impact, which looks extremely painful. Eve comes out to check on Zack, and gets some nasty heat.

Overall: Despite a weak ending, this was a good episode. Kofi vs Jericho, Punk vs Miz and (surprisingly) Tamina vs Brie Bella were enjoyable, and the Elimination Chamber and HBK promos were good.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Belfire's Journal - part 2

Day 4 continued

Fought with a crazy kobold who controlled rats, then went back to the warden's office to rest.

Nietzsche: Seems to be more unbalanced than I thought. Will have to keep an eye on her.

Day 5

We finally get out of the sewers to find a strange town. I bought a room at the inn, bathed and reunited with my raven companion. There seems to be some sort of commotion downstairs, so I'm going to check that out.

Goddamn Azm. We're now being held in some chamber, apparently waiting for gladiatorial combat. I'm stuck in a room with Azrael, and I assume that the rest of our group is also being held in other rooms.

Turns out we were forced to participate in a tournament. Kavha, Azm and Nietzsche lost their fights - I didn't get to see them, but they didn't seem to take long. Crina won her fight, and Azrael and I agreed that I should win our fight. I then fought a warforged paladin of Bahamut. He fought well, and I barely defeated him. Unfortunately, Crina lost her fight against a monk. That left me fighting a half-orc and the monk. Luckily they focused on each other, and I only had to fight the half-orc. The monk had weakened him, but even then he wasn't easy to beat. Afterwards they informed me that I'm supposed to defeat some sort of volcano monster that comes every so often. I'm not sure if I'm going to stick around to do that. I'll have to discuss it with the group.

Afterwards we all went to the tavern, though we hardly saw each other. Azrael, Nietzsche and the monk - Miri - went upstairs for a short time, then Azrael came back looking very smug. I don't want to think about what happened up there. Had a nice conversation with Crina.

Notes: Where did Kavha get that strange tub?
Will have to approach the warforged - apparently named Zealot - and the half-orc - Kevril - about aiding us in the battle against the volcano beast if we decide to stay. They both seem useful in a fight. I would ask Miri too, but I think I'll let Azrael or Nietzsche approach her.

Monday, February 6, 2012

WWE Raw 2/6/2012

Tonight on Raw: Undertaker and Jericho! Need I say more?

I love that promo! The first thing that happens this week (after the recap of Undertaker's return) is Triple H's entrance. He explains that he had intended to fire He of the Overly Long Title, and he spends a little bit to insulting Johnny Ace. Sadly, the Board of Directors has asked Triple H not to make a decision until they review it. Thankfully he quickly moves on to talk about the Undertaker returning last week. He describes exactly how it feels when the Undertaker walks to the ring, and I find myself agreeing with everything he's saying. And then HHH says that he feels sorry for Taker, and plays a short montage of the Undertaker being awesome – it looked like a series a clips from the Streak. He then plays a few clips of the aftermath of last year's match, where Undertaker was unable to walk away from the ring, which he says is not how he wants to remember him. Triple H turns down the rematch to a huge negative reaction. He quotes Lovecraft, but doesn't understand what the quote means at all. His music starts, but cuts out right as he goes to leave the ring. The lights go out, the crowd goes wild, and the titantron shows the Undertaker watching footage of last year's match. This is an awesome promo. 'Taker barely says anything, and he doesn't need to. I'm starting to like this – it's a great set up. WWE seems to be learning how to build stories slowly – first they let Jericho to come back for over a month and only say a single sentence, and now they're doing something similar with the Undertaker.

Big Show comes out and they show the footage of him running over AJ again. He'll be facing Daniel Bryan in what I believe is a non-title match. I'm really enjoying him as a heel. AJ comes out to accompany him, still wearing a neck brace. This really feels like Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth, which is good. And oddly, this whole angle has Michael Cole supporting a face, which is a refreshing change. Big Show dominates the early portion of the match.

We come back from break to show Big Show regain control of the match, after having dominated for the entire break. Big Show goes for a chokeslam, which Bryan counters into a sleeper hold. Big Show throws him off, but Bryan is able to turn the match around. He goes to the top rope, but Big Show scares him off with the threat of a big right hand. AJ stands between Bryan and Big Show outside the ring, and eventually almost gets sandwiched between Big Show and the steel steps. Bryan uses AJ as a human shield and loses due to countout as he walks AJ away. Bryan gets a microphone and claims that the fact that Big Show was able to stop this time proves that he could have stopped last time. This is a good promo, and a good angle for Bryan.

After the match, they claim that Jericho is going to break his silence, and announce a six-man match where the winner will enter the Elimination Chamber last.

When we come back, there's a bit of a promo for a Nascar driver and... I don't care at all. John Cena gets to start the Daytona 500, and I struggle to care. It is interesting to note that he'll be done with his feud with Kane at that point, because it's after Elimination Chamber. It's kind of strange how it's basically an after thought of a pay-per-view, and yet it's amazingly important. This is a good promo – my favorite picture from any Elimination Chamber is Edge biting the chains. They talk about the six-pack challenge again. Punk won't win, but I'm not sure who will win. Possibly Jericho, maybe the Miz if they're going to try and push him at all, but I doubt that. From what I've heard, he's not doing well backstage.

Huzzah, David Otunga comes out. He'll be lost if Laurinitis loses his job. He talks up Johnny Ace, and then gets put in a match starting immediately against Sheamus. Watching them circle is amusing – they look like exact opposites – spiky red hair vs. black buzz cut, suit vs. trunks, black vs. white... The suit gets torn off fairly quickly. Otunga only briefly gets any sort of advantage before meeting Sheamus's foot in the form of a Brogue Kick, giving Sheamus the win. Otunga's a pretty good wrestler, but he doesn't have great mic skills yet.

We come back from break to be greeted by Chris Jericho! The moment he starts talking I get excited, and his new character seems fantastic. He insults everyone by calling them wannabes, and focuses in on CM Punk for claiming to be the best in the world. I can't recap what he says, because it's so good and I could never do it justice. CM Punk interrupts him (wearing a nifty new t-shirt) to confront him, and doesn't say a word, simply holding up his title. In doing that, he proves that he's as good as Jericho, able to get as big a reaction without saying a word. This is going to be the best feud going into Wrestlemania.

Not sure if I like Wade Barrett's new theme music. It feels too light for him. He's part of a tag match, teaming with Cody Rhodes against the Great Khali and Randy Orton. They seem to be building some heat between Khali and Orton – Orton slaps Khali's chest to tag him in, and Khali returns the favor, nearly knocking Orton off the apron. There's some good back and forth when Orton is in the ring, but Khali's contributions are boring at best. Orton starts hulking out, but Khali tags himself in and picks up the win by chopping Cody Rhodes in the face as he goes for the beautiful disaster. Khali and Orton have a brief confrontation after the match, leading to Khali getting an awkward looking RKO.

I enjoy this Cena promo and the matching one for the Rock. There isn't a whole lot to say about it, except that I hope Cena wins.

Time for a bathroom break – an eight diva tag match. Eve, Tamina, Alicia Fox and Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix, Natalya and the Bellas. The brief interview that they show with Beth Phoenix makes it clear that she's going to feud with Kharma. The only amusing part of the early part of the match was when Beth tagged a Bella by slapping her breast. Tamina gets gets a Superfly Splash for the win in a match that lasted roughly two minutes.

We get a backstage segment between Triple H and John Laurinitis (blah blah blah). Johnny Ace reveals that Shawn Michaels will be on Raw next week, which is enormously exciting. They also reveal that Kane and Cena will be in an ambulance match at EC. Triple H makes a few decent jokes before we go to commercial. Josh Matthews asks Laurinitis a few questions after they come back from the break.

Now we get to the main event – R-Truth, CM Punk, the Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston and Chris Jericho in a six-pack challenge to determine the last entrant in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match. The match starts with everyone except CM Punk beating on Jericho. Punk then goes for a sneaky win on the Miz, leading to a general brawl. There looks to have been a botch when R-Truth goes to the outside of the ring – Miz looked like he was supposed to catch Truth but wasn't in the right position.

When we come back to the match, it's confirmed that R-Truth was injured – it looks like he got whiplash and possibly a concussion. The match goes on, with the match getting mostly cleared, leaving only Punk and Jericho in the ring. They face off, but Miz and Ziggler interrupt them before anything happens. Miz and Jericho knock each other out, leaving Ziggler and Punk to brawl. This leads to an assisted superplex by Punk on Ziggler, almost leading to a double 3-count. Jericho brawls with Miz, leading to Miz almost landing a Showstopper on Jericho, interrupted by Kofi getting a Trouble in Paradise on the Miz. We get a period where Kofi and Jericho are alone in the ring, and they work very well together. Jericho nearly lands a Lionsault, which I didn't think he would be able to pull of anymore. Punk lands a GTS on Ziggler for a near fall, but Jericho pulls him off, throwing him over the announce table and pinning Ziggler for the win. Jericho grabs the WWE Championship belt and sits in the center of the ring, imitating Punk.

We go backstage to see Kane tormenting Eve, promising that Cena will embrace the hate soon and threatening that something bad will happen to her if he doesn't embrace it soon.

A good episode, though the last bit with Kane was rather lame. Jericho proved why he's the best in the world at everything he does, while Undertaker makes an impact without actually appearing.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Belfire's Journal

I've been playing in a game of DnD 4e for the past several weeks with my HLP Tom, and I've decided to write my character's journal.

The party (with some illustrations by Tom, to be updated as he completes more):
Belfire Duskwalker: Elf Assassin, my character! He's stealthy and likes isolating enemies so he can beat on them. He works for the Raven Queen, and has several secrets that will come out eventually.
Crina: Half-Elf Shaman, she focuses mostly on healing abilities.
Azm: Warforged Slayer, he is based around his melee basic attacks. He's also a massive racist that hates everyone except Khava because of the racism.
Khava: Dragonborn Warlord, she has a lot of abilities that grant basic attacks to her allies.
Azrael: Deva Chaos Sorceror, he has some good ranged attacks.
Nietzsche: Tiefling Warlock, she uses her Dark Pact to deal massive damage to single targets.

Those of you who know stuff about 4e will realize something - our party is horribly unbalanced. We have 4 strikers and 2 leaders, and thus don't have much in the way of longevity. So far we've only been able to do at most two encounters before taking a long rest, and it seems like it won't be long before one of us will die.

This is the initial description we were given (with some minor spelling corrections):
You wake up in a dank cell. It is dark, you don't know where you are. You look around and see several more adventurers who seem to be in the same situation. All of you look confused. Though the detail are slightly different the only thing you remember is an eruption and the ground opening with an explosion of demons coming out of the ground. In an futile attempt to save your town you rose your weapon up simply to be flung into a void that was created under your boots.

In any case, read on after the jump to discover what Belfire thinks of all these shenanigans!