This was created entirely for the Iroas RPG - as part of character creation, you have to decide what your character's current career is, and I needed something for the Eirini that wasn't a diplomat. Thus, the Batsos were created! Speaking of the RPG, the first draft is just about done, and I'm just about ready for playtesting.
The Eirini have always been skilled mediators, but after the Unification War they realized that the ability to create deals is useless without the means to enforce them. Thus they created the Batsos, an elite group of warriors that were dedicated to enforcing any deals that the Eirini had a hand in creating. Skilled in tracking down fugitives and capturing them alive, the nations quickly saw their potential worth as a police force. What followed was fairly predictable, as the Eirini fashioned a contract that allowed the Batsos to act as an elite police force in those nations, sworn to uphold any local laws in addition to punishing those who break contracts.
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