
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Plane Creation Contest - Prompt 4

iAnd we're back! This time, the challenge is to take a rarely used creature type (from a list they provided) and explain how it fits into your plane. Hit the jump to see what I did!
In a civilization as large as The Order, law enforcement  is a necessity. While most crimes can be dealt with by the militia, there exist some criminals that are so vile and dangerous that greater force is required. It is in these special cases that Archons are deployed. These manifestations of justice are among the most powerful forces that The Order can bring to bear. With a single-minded focus on defending the law and punishing criminals, nothing can distract them from their prey - except the Devils.

Incarnations of chaos and anarchy, Devils are one of the most useful, if uncontrollable, tools that the rebellion has. Commonly believed to be the manifestation of everything the Archons oppose, they are used as a distraction when the Archons get dangerously close to capturing key personnel of the rebellion.

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