
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WWE Raw 4/16/2012

Tonight on Raw: I don't have the presence of mind to summarize right now!

Wow, Brock Lesnar already made it to the opening! We start out with what should be the main event – CM Punk vs Mark Henry, No DQ, No count out for the WWE Championship. Mark Henry gets the jobber's entrance – starting in the ring, no music or anything. It follows the same story as the previous two weeks – Punk struggling to get control, only for Henry to do a big move. They go out of the ring fairly early, taking advantage of the fact that there are no count outs. The crowd is great, really helping the feel of the match. Punk goes to the top rope, which Henry counters to a World's Strongest Slam, which is countered to a drop kick. Punk manages to get a chair drop off the top rope for the pin.

Jericho comes on the titantron, announcing that he has a title shot at Extreme Rules in a Chicago Street Fight. He then shows footage of Punk going into a pub, as Jericho continues to say that he's going to turn Punk into an alcoholic.

After the break we get R-Truth as Sherlock, talking to Little Jimmy Watson and saying his job is to find Teddy Long a job. Santino goes through an act of wearing a number of football shirts, going through a number of non-local (to London, where Raw is tonight) teams before getting to England and getting cheered. The crowd clearly enjoyed it. He's facing Otunga for the US Championship. Otunga counters Santino's split dodge, then gets a two count. Then Santino uses that dodge successfully, going into his Five Moves and hitting the Cobra for the win.

Lord Tensai has a brief promo, saying that he should be the one that we should fear. After the commercial is Lesnar's promo, where he reveals that his match against Cena is going to be a Hardcore match. After that is Kane vs. Zack Ryder. Kane kicks Ryder off the apron before the bell even rings, not allowing Ryder to catch a breath at all. Ryder gets in the ring just to get a Chokeslam from Hell. Kane then grabs a mic while Ryder's out, ignoring Ryder in favor of insulting Randy Orton.

There's a great promo between Daniel Bryan, AJ and Kofi Kingston in which Bryan renames the Lebelle lock to the Yes Lock. Because when the ref asks if you want to submit, that's what you'll say.

Cena comes out to his usual reaction along with the dueling chants. He says that he is scared, but he will fight regardless. I like this new direction for Cena – the underdog who will fight no matter the odds. Laurinitis comes out, and I can barely here his first few lines because of the deafening boos from the crowd. He stumbles over a line, but he's still a great heel. He's not perfect, and isn't at Vince McMahon's level yet, but he could get there.

After the break, they show Hornswoggle reading a book when Truth comes out of a secret door next to him. This is pretty good. This is followed by Bryan vs. Kingston. Bryan gains control early, and just wears down Kingston for most of the match. At one point he simply stands on Kingston's throat, and it looks incredibly painful. Kofi hits the Boom Drop, but the follow up Trouble In Paradise is countered. Daniel Bryan eventually locks in the Yes Lock for the win. He puts Kofi in the Yes Lock again after the bell, but Sheamus comes to save him, though Bryan dodges the Brogue Kick.

Somebody call my Mama, the Funkasaurus is here! And he's facing Dolph Ziggler, accompanied by Vickie Guerrero and Jack Swagger as always. Sadly the match is short because the ref catches Swagger interfering, giving Brodus the victory through DQ.

After another visit from R-Holmes, there's Epico and Primo vs. Big Show and Khali. Epico and Primo will have to move twice as much to have an average amount of movement in this match. AW comes out to... well, to watch the match. It looks like he's going to be a new manager, possibly feuding with Vickie Guerrero? E&P try to leave, but Big Show tosses them back in the ring. They hit a simultaneous Chokeslam and Punjabi Plunge for the win.

And now we get the final match, an extreme rules match between John Cena and a mystery opponent. Cena actually gets more cheers than he usually does. Laurinitis comes out to announce that his opponent is Lord Tensai. I'm glad he's getting pushed this quickly. I had started getting bored of his matches already – another monster heel that was only in squash matches. I do find it amusing that his “tattoos” are messed up tonight.

Tensai is pretty dominant early on, tossing Cena around the ring pretty easily. Cena goes for a Five Knuckle Shuffle, which Tensai counters and hits Cena with the backsplash. He moves it into a ground submission, which Cena counters into the STF. Otunga interferes, then Tensai uses the poison mist spray to blind Cena and pin him for the win. I'm disappointed that Tensai didn't go to torture Cena afterwards.

A good episode, though I'm not sure how I feel about Lord Tensai now.

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